Do I still get Half even if I do Nothing?

David acted for a very successful female executive (W) in financial remedy proceedings at the Central Family Court whose husband (H) had chosen to give up work as he ‘wanted to take a career break’. Facts/Issues. W who was aged 45 was a senior partner in a successful business earning a large six figure salary.… Continue reading Do I still get Half even if I do Nothing?

City Trader “Must I share my bonus for ever?”

This particular case study may be of interest to you if you are a city trader or the spouse of a city trader. Facts/Issues. The husband (H) in this case is an Oil Broker aged 48 years; his wife (W) is aged 50 and is currently not working but training to be a therapist. There… Continue reading City Trader “Must I share my bonus for ever?”

A Footballers’ Wives Tale – ‘Genius’ and the special/stellar contribution argument

Ryan Giggs is just one of the latest high profile footballers presently embroiled in divorce proceedings following the breakdown of his 10-year marriage to wife Stacey. As has been reported in the press, Giggs is seeking to argue in the High Court that his “special contribution” to the family’s reported £40m+ fortune justifies him leaving… Continue reading A Footballers’ Wives Tale – ‘Genius’ and the special/stellar contribution argument

Needs Trump All

Rebecca acts for the wife (W) of a city trader, residing in Essex , in divorce proceedings. Facts/Issues W is aged 37. H is aged 38, There are two children aged 5 and 2. The marriage was of 7 years duration but there was a period of pre-marriage cohabitation. H is a city banker and… Continue reading Needs Trump All